Fireworks and Didgeridoos–Week 6 of Summer 2012

Really.  I don’t know where the last two weeks (or more) have gone.  I promise that we really have been doing stuff around here.  I just haven’t done a very good job of documenting it.  🙂

Cinema Sunday

This was one of the few full length movies that I could find on Netflix with a G rating. It was pretty cute, though.

Mailbox Monday

This week, we decided to make fireworks pictures to mail to Uncle Ted & Aunt Beulah, who live in Maryland.  After making some seriously cute fireworks paintings (found here), it occurred to me that the glitter would probably be mostly in the envelope when it got there.  So, we went on to a different type of firework painting (found here).

Supplies for the first firework paintings

Pearlie-girl loved doing this and asked to paint every day for the rest of the week.

These turned out so well–very festive!

This is what we actually mailed. It’s not quite as “realistic”, but it won’t make a huge glittery mess when the envelope is opened.

Treat Tuesday

Admittedly, Treat Tuesday did not go as planned.  We never did get to the firecracker popsicles I was planning to make.  Nor did we really do anything, other than eat an already made treat, on Tuesday.  On Wednesday, though, we made this patriotic drink.

Water-play Wednesday

For our “water play”, we made patriotic goop (found here) and then hosed off afterward.

Create Thursday

After doing two creative projects on Monday and the fun, crazy day we had celebrating the Fourth, I was planning to skip being crafty this day.  We went to one of the nearby library branches for storytime and it turned out to be a concert by Didgeridoo Down Under instead.  The kids had a lot of fun listening and learning about Australia, it’s music, art, and animals.  On our way home, we decided to see if we could do some “x-ray art”.  We ended up making our out didgeridoos, too.

Tank checking out some of the examples of Australian art

We used paper towel tubes, ink, pencil erasers, and paper to make our own Australian art-inspired didgeridoos (with a little hot glue to help slobber-proof the “mouthpiece” ends)

Family Fun Friday

Our fun on Friday was helping a friend who, sadly, had more peaches on his tree than he could eat by himself.  Of course, being his friends, we picked as many as we could–just to help him out, though.  🙂

They’re almost ready to use. I haven’t decided what to make yet. Pie filling? Cobbler? Jam?

Then we went and checked out the new Fresh Market in town.  There’s lots of neat stuff there.  I can’t wait until my mom comes to visit from Missouri, so I can take her there.

Science Saturday

It was the first Saturday of the month, so of course that means Home Depot Kids’ Workshop.  This month’s project was a moving truck.  I guess Home Depot and Penske are somehow related.

It was pretty labor intensive, so the morning slipped away from us.  Then, the Roadie decided that we would go on “an adventure” for lunch and head to a taqueria not too far from our old house.  The drive was worth it–the food was delicioso!!  But another errand, then naptime, then band set-up took up the rest of our day.

So, this week, Science Saturday became Science Sunday.  We crammed it in before afternoon rest time and we’ll still watch a movie for Cinema Sunday after they get up.  I just couldn’t skip making fireworks in a jar (found here).

This worked better for us to just float the oil on top of the water and then add the drops of food coloring on top of the oil. It took a minute or two, but it looked more like fireworks (or spiderwebs, depending on your point of view).

Wishing you a blessed and cool week!!!

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